Old Souls Are Everywhere!

Back in 2014, when I released my book Five Gifts of Pro-Aging: Honoring Maturity in A Culture That Could Use It, there were just a few of us focused on and publishing about conscious aging. Fast forward to almost ten years later, in a recent conducted search, a plethora of conscious aging-wellness books have popped up.

No surprise. It’s predicted by 2050 the world’s population over sixty years old will reach two billion! In the U.S. alone, that’s 83 million seniors (United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs).

One of the common themes in most of the emerging “wisdom years” material has me chewing. I’ve studied so much about “shifting from role to soul” in the “second half of life”. Yet, my own life experience has been a bit different. Certainly, my soul, (heart, true self or whatever you wish to call it) was not willing to wait until my elder years to receive this so-called wisdom.

Old Soul Tree
Old Soul Trees - Photo by Jermy Bishop - Unsplash

In fact, my thirst for life’s meaning and self-knowledge came in like a gold rush into my early 20’s. Without inner peace I felt hollow. I had to feel it.

Rather than develop a theory of who we are, we can always choose to experience who we are.

Starting as a young adult, I’ve been very fortunate to know and work with Prem, a living mentor who has helped me go beyond countless theories and belief systems. Thankfully, I didn’t have to grow old before experiencing the inner good stuff. To my dismay, there were no labor requirements of me having to chop wood or carry buckets of water up a Himalayan Mountain in order to experience peace. Although I must say, those mountains are beautiful.

Simply, I was freely shown a method to go within where peace resides. I get to access and feel that power that fuels my life and this entire universe with such great care.

Simultaneously, I’ve been keenly interested in being a part of this material and relational world. As with all of us, my own ego and personality have come together through multiple forms of worldly boot camps.

In my adult years, I’ve fine-tuned my professional roles as a psychotherapist, business owner, speaker, workshop leader, author, and conscious aging expert. In my personal roles, I’ve embraced (or resisted sometimes) being a daughter, sister, friend, auntie, stepdaughter, serious girlfriend, student, international traveler, wife, bereaved sibling, divorcee, partner, stepmom, great aunt, yogi, and now a grandmother in awe.

Yet, who I really am, is none of these roles. One day, they will all go bye-bye along with me. Through it all, the Divine has held me close. To maintain that closeness and to feel more love and appreciation, I lean into my daily practice.

What am I really saying? You don’t have to wait until your “third act of life” to experience inner fulfillment. Peace in your world is possible along the way. Younger ones, listen to your heart. Elder ones, keep listening to your heart. If this calls to you in some way, you can learn more here.

True maturity is not related to how many years you’ve been on this planet. Old souls are everywhere! We need to remember our strengths and help each other out.

Speaking of special helpers, I recently had the privilege to interview Charan Anand. Think of it as a Master Class for your heart.

With love and support,