Don’t Wait to Feel Ready

If I waited to feel motivated to do some important things, I’d still be in bed. For example, I slog through scheduling and showing up for my own annual medical appointments (physical exam, blood work, mammogram, skin, eyes, ears, teeth, etc.) As a person who prefers the world of preventative and functional medicine, showing up for medical testing and waiting for the results, it continues to challenge my comfort zone.

You don’t have to feel motivated to do things that matter to you. The next time you feel unmotivated to do something, try this: take one small action step that aligns with what you care about.

If Not Now When
Photo by Brett Jordan - Unsplash

In my case, I value by life and keeping my health. I want to understand and stay connected to my changing-aging body. With that in mind, I practice marking up my calendar regarding my next health-related action item. To keep me on track, I even have an action buddy who knows I need her.

What’s one thing you keep putting off that really matters to you? What does your heart desire?

In my therapist toolbox is a therapy model called ACT = Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. We talk about our STUF (sensations, thoughts, urges, feelings). Some of your STUF may be trying to distract or stop you. With this approach, we choose to acknowledge the STUF while still taking a values-based action(s). One step at a time.

When needed, we then dig deeper into more of the unwanted emotional STUF. Often times, it’s unconscious. Remember, don’t beat yourself up for not feeling ready. Unearthing our shadow parts takes time, courage and patience.

In the meantime, I urge you to select one thing that matters to you and take one action step towards that today. Want the support to move things along even more? Then find yourself an accountability partner, or a good therapist and/or drop into a 12-Step supportive meeting (online or in-person). You’re worth it.