Love is Medicine

Sitting in the comforts of my home office, I watch with shock and compassion as the death toll rises from the recent Turkey-Syria earthquake. Yet, so inspired by the many helpers and other humanitarian organizations that are quickly responding with their boots on the ground, to relieve what suffering they can. Love is at the core of our shared being. Rumi, the 13th century Persian sage/writer understood our true super power: Through love all pain will turn to medicine.
Happy Woman with grandchild
Photo by Eckaterina Kharova on Unsplash

As we inch closer to Valentine’s Day, which by the way is celebrated in most countries around the world (except in Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia & Indonesia where it’s banned), this outwardly expression of love is encouraged and exchanged. Granted, the history of St. Valentine does have some darker roots.

According to a few sources, St. Valentine’s originates from one or two early Christian martyrs named Saint Valentine. One of these men, supposedly healed a child while imprisoned and was executed by decapitation.

On a lighter note, let’s explore the heart of who we really are. Even our commercialized St. Valentine’s Day can be a reminder to the importance of inner love. There is a patient lover, inside each one of us. Guided by what I chose to call the Divine, through my own daily practice, this inner awareness provides an everlasting elixir of peace-clarity-love- joy-contentment-gratitude. No exchange of Valentine’s cards, candy or flowers is required. The Divine visits in each breath. Are you welcoming your inner lover?

This human life has been freely given to us. With added mercy, we have been provided direct access to experience this inner reservoir of true love, acceptance and protection. It doesn’t come without our real efforts and to connect with others who can help us along the way. Eventually, we can become our own cute Cupid! Even Marion Woodman, an incredible Jungian analyst and writer, when catching herself with neglecting her own needs, she’d say to herself; Every inch a Queen. There you have it, my Queens, Kings and Non-Binary/ Non-employing royal-type labelers.

Remember, we are not separate from each other. Love is always inclusive. Most of all, give yourself a Happy Valentine’s (each day), filled with the medicine of love.
