Celebrate Sitting Still

Oh soul, you worry too much. You have seen your own strength. You have seen your own beauty. You have seen your golden wings. Of anything less, why do you worry? You are in truth the soul, of the soul.

Standing, sitting or swimming in the ocean, helps me find my happy place. It’s a source of strength that even Rumi would probably acknowledge. What about you? Where are you pulling your strength from these days?

Woman standing looking across ocean

As the uncertainty in our world grows louder, it’s essential to protect our hearts and calm our minds. As my clients know, this inner work is necessary if you wish to claim a contented life. Each day is a chance to embrace and heal a bit more of our fearful and judgmental parts. To go beyond the ego means that I pay attention to my daily practice of “sitting still” through meditation, prayer and reflecting on gratitude. On a good day, I treat myself to a morning and evening practice. Why? It helps me to clear the noise and celebrate this life, no matter what.

This pandemic is not easy and making plans to gather together are shifting daily. In the meantime, we can do this. We can learn to celebrate while sitting still within ourselves.

Over 900 years ago, female medieval poet and composer, Hildegard of Bingen stated “be not lax in celebrating.” Catholic or not, I have found myself fascinated with Saint Hildegard. In her visions and writings, she experienced all things in the light of God using her five senses; sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch. Hildegard lived most of her 80+ years in a hilltop monastery in the Germanic Rhineland area. I guess she knew a thing or two about sitting still.

Remarkably, Hildegard was also one of the first identifiable composers (male or female) in the history of Western music. Yet no surprise, you won’t find her mentioned in history books. As a holiday treat, I’m reviving Saint Hildegard. Here is one of her songs “A Feather on The Breath of God” written for her fellow nuns to sing at their devotions.

Enjoy and thank you for joining me here.