Free Yourself

Whew! I’m feeling more relaxed and grateful after having some needed time off. Jim and I had a beautiful trip to the Central Coast of California (see above pic of Morro Bay area). Thank goodness for Mother Nature. She brings out my inner wild child who loves her freedom!

As tough as this lingering Pandemic has been, I have found relief from not having to make so many decisions. With fewer choices, I had less things crammed into my calendar. I found more freedom in saying ‘No’ because it was the healthier choice for me and my loved ones.

Coastal California

Now, as things are opening up without as many filters, my wild child is feeling threatened. She doesn’t like the increased noise and busyness that is encroaching on her sacred territory. In fact, she’s kinda pissed off.  I’m listening and paying close attention to this inner wisdom.

I know that I’m not the only one who’s not-so-overjoyed by all this “un-lockdown”. I’m sending you continued support to listen to yourself and follow your own pace.  Monitor…Monitor. No need to get sucked into the encroaching expectations of others and/or the growing demands we can place on ourselves.  Free yourself to be you.

Take good care,